Sunday, July 12, 2015

Long overdue update...

I just realized I haven't written in here in so long. It's been quite a while. I recently have been filling my writing bug lately by contributing to a Canada based music blog, The Revue. Blogging there has made me accountable to keep to a schedule and has also been beneficial with me learning Wordpress as well.

I still love The Revue and will still be posting there, but recently I have gotten back to writing about things I have learned in my journey along the way. I am now contributing to Lifehack which is a website that offers tips and tricks to hopefully benefit one's life.

I posted an article July 6 titled 20 Brutally Honest Things Women Turning 40 Want All Women in their 30s to know. I spent two weeks writing it and had no idea what the response would be or how it would resonate with others. I have been quite overwhelmed from the positive response and I am so blessed to be able to write something that others feel useful and good enough to share with others. I actually don't take praise very well so I am still dealing with the weirdness of that.

Most of the things I wrote about in that post are things I have learned from my 12 step recovery. I have written about some of those things here within this site, but it hasn't been the best platform for me to get any of my articles out. I am thankful for the platform that Lifehack is even though it's limited to titles and topics that they tell you to write, not necessarily what I prefer to write about.

My big huge update within my personal life is that the father of my children is back in our lives and it is a super good thing that I didn't really think was possible. I actually wrote this other post about a perfect boyfriend with him in mind. It's funny that some of the Facebook comments were so negative like this person doesn't exist but he does. I was also pessimistic before after two failed marriages and did not believe there really could be a healthy and happy relationship with anyone but I was wrong.

After talking with Ryan some more we decided that we need to form a website together. The thing is we are both in 12 step recovery programs and our lives are actually really good. Our vision and goal and hope is to help other couples that might be struggling with a relationship that involves one or the other wrapped up in addiction. If you or someone you know has that relationship, we want you to know that hope is not all lost but both sides need to make decisions and changes or it will be lost.

We were divorced and apart for 3 years but God and us both working out our recovery brought us back together. Reconciliation can happen if both sides want to work on themselves and if they also want to truly make positive changes in their lives.

I most likely will cease this blog all together and just leave it up for historical purposes, so please go check out our new website
